Sometimes organizations need more than short training sessions. Sometimes they need workshops, but many small businesses think they can't afford or don't have the experience to run their own workshops. We have the solution. Here we have a collection of high-quality workshops that are effective and economical. The entire workshop, produced in Australia (in easily understood world-wide English) comes on one CD-ROM, which includes reproducible facilitator's guide, handouts, and video. Companies can print their own guides and handouts, so there is no added expense. AND they can be used over and over again. These workshops can be used for any size group or they can even be used by individuals.Economical workshops ANYONE can run!
Workshop CD Content:
Video Presentation of Training Sessions
These full color seminars, featuring experts in the field, show an actual session. The video may be paused for discussion or additional input from the facilitator.Facilitator/Trainer Manual
This is a printable file from the CD, and contains specific instructions and hints to presenters on running the course. It is designed to enable presenters to use the video as part of the course, as well as other materials described below. It enables a group to engage in the topic in a full participatory mode. In this way companies can flexibly adjust the materials to their organizations and the individuals taking part.Flip Charts
These may be copied onto flip charts as used in the video presentations, or other such as computer projection, overhead projection or course notes.Participant Workbook and Course Notes
This also a printable form. You make your own workbook copies for distribution to your participants -- which saves money. These notes form an integral part of the Video presentation and training. They are meant to involve participants in personal reflection and response, discussions, recording and creative thinking. The video may be paused at key times while these interactions take place.
Building Business Relationships - Complete Workshop on CD Communicating Effectively - Complete Workshop on CD Creating a Motivated Team - Complete Workshop on CD Creative Problem Sovling - Complete Workshop on CD Improving Presentation Skills - Complete Workshop on CD Leadership - Complete Workshop on CD Making Customer Service Work - Complete Workshop on CD Managing Change - Complete Workshop on CD Managing Conflict Situations - Complete Workshop on CD Managing Time Effectively - Complete Workshop on CD Negotiating to Win - Complete Workshop on CD Working with Teams - Complete Workshop on CD
Building Business Relationships - $395.00 (Item #PDDC-BULEBBR)
Our ability to develop, maintain and build relationships with our customers is the most important single factor that will contribute to our personal success and the success of our businesses.
In a market where the products and services we deliver are becoming increasingly similar to those offered by the competition, it will be our ability to build strong relationships with our customers that will set us apart and ensure our success.
To build relationships we need to develop new skills. Skills that enable us to understand why people react in different ways and that everyone has different needs and preferred patterns of behaviour.
Just like anything else we do, if we are to be truly proficient at building relationships, we need to take the time to learn the rudiments, and then practice the skills regularly.
Key Learning Objectives:
Understand Maslow’s Levels of Learning Model Work through the 5 stage behaviour analysis Ability to deal with different personality styles Understand the 6 step process in building rapport Control business relationships Prioritise the time necessary to spend on each type of relationship
Click Here to send in a credit card order - or call us at 1-253-759-6639
Communicating Effectively - $395.00 (Item #PDDC-BULECE)
No matter what your job description or area of work, effective communication is a pre-requisite for success – not a competitive advantage.
Each day we are called upon to communicate with other employees, suppliers, contractors, government authorities, customers and staff.
Key Learning Objectives:
Identify key components of good communication Understand the importance of good communications at work Reduce the amount of conflict and confusion caused by misunderstandings Provide effective feedback to other employees Remove the barriers to good communication Understand and use verbal and non-verbal communication effectively
Click Here to send in a credit card order - or call us at 1-253-759-6639
Creating a Motivated Team - $395.00 (Item #PDDC-BULECMT)
Motivating people to make their full contribution to the organisation is the fastest way that a manager or supervisor can multiply his or her personal effectiveness.
All good managers and supervisors have developed the ability to interpret what motivates individuals and to develop a core set of motivation tools that they can use to get peak performance.
Key Learning Objectives:
Understand what motivates people Understand the importance of rewarding the behaviour you want repeated Develop effective reward programs Know non-monetary ways to motivate people Prepare effective celebration programs
Click Here to send in a credit card order - or call us at 1-253-759-6639
Creative Problem Sovling - $395.00 (Item #PDDC-BULECPS)
In an age of computers and technology, the one thing that sets us apart from machines is our ability to be creative. Managers and supervisors who can nurture an ideas environment where employees and team members are encouraged to see problems and solutions through new eyes - and then develop solutions that add to the organisations value through improved processes, new products or better marketing, will achieve success.
Key Learning Objectives:
Develop skills for generating new ideas Identify ways to turn ideas into solutions Recognise and eliminate barriers to creativity Understand how to develop and nurture creativity in your work team Know how to effectively manage creative people
Click Here to send in a credit card order - or call us at 1-253-759-6639
Improving Presentation Skills - $395.00 (Item #PDDC-BULEIPS)
Whether you are presenting an idea to one person, 100 people or 1,000, and you have a definite purpose in mind, you are “making a presentation”.
You may be telling an employee about a new system, a group of clients about a new product, or talking to an industry group about the impact of new technology on work practices, whatever your purpose and your audience, in each of these instances you are making a presentation.
Key Learning Objectives:
Prepare a presentation Identify your audience’s needs Develop key messages that your audience will remember Reduce presentation nerves Become an effective confident presenter
Click Here to send in a credit card order - or call us at 1-253-759-6639
Leadership - $395.00 (Item #PDDC-BULEL)
To remain competitive and to respond effectively to the demands of change, organisations are looking for greater leadership from their people.
While managers and strong management teams are always important to the continued success of an organisation, it is during times of rapid change that organisations most need leaders.
Key Learning Objectives:
Understand the differences between leadership and management Identify and overcome the impediments to leadership Develop leadership skills Lead your team more effectively Set direction for your team
Click Here to send in a credit card order - or call us at 1-253-759-6639
Making Customer Service Work - $395.00 (Item #PDDC-BULEMCSW)
Many organisations profess to be customer focused. But few actually achieve that result. Yet, there are proven links between the level of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and an organisation’s market share and profitability.
Key Learning Objectives:
Identify and develop key skills for winning and keeping customers Recognise your customers’ service expectations Understand who are the contributors to customer service Develop a customer service focus within your area at work Develop a customer service action plan Develop an ability to recognise where the service problem really exists: frontline or behind the scenes Discover tools you can use to improve customer service
Click Here to send in a credit card order - or call us at 1-253-759-6639
Managing Change - $395.00 (Item #PDDC-BULEMC)
Organisations, governments, countries, everyone is either going through a change process, about to go through a change process or just completing a major change process.
The clear message is: to survive you must be ready to change.
Key Learning Objectives:
Develop a change plan Manage a change process effectively Identify and overcome the barriers to effective change Engage your team in the change process
Click Here to send in a credit card order - or call us at 1-253-759-6639
Managing Conflict Situations - $395.00 (Item #PDDC-BULEMCS)
Today, with the emphasis on teamwork and bringing people together from different cultures and backgrounds, and then looking to give those team members POWER; managers and employees alike are increasingly being called upon to interact with a broad spectrum of people. Clearly conflicts are inevitable.
Key Learning Objectives:
Recognise the causes and nature of conflict Effectively resolve your own conflicts without damaging relationships. Mediate in workplace conflicts and bring them to a successful resolution. Remove many of the barriers that prevent conflict from being resolved effectively Recognise the different positions that parties within a conflict may take and the positive and negative effects of these positions
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Managing Time Effectively - $395.00 (Item #PDDC-BULEMTE)
Effective time management enables people to focus on those tasks that are important and eliminate those that are non-essential.
Key Learning Objectives:
Recognising internal and external time wasters Importance of undertaking both maintenance and progress tasks Recognise and eliminate non-essential tasks How to prioritise and schedule tasks Effectively control and reduce interruptions How to make meetings more effective
Click Here to send in a credit card order - or call us at 1-253-759-6639
Negotiating to Win - $395.00 (Item #PDDC-BULENTW)
Negotiation is something that we do everyday. Whether we are trying to win a new contract, encouraging staff to take on more responsibility, buying something for business or personal use, or asking for increased benefits, we are negotiating.
Key Learning Objectives:
Appreciate the importance of a win/win relationship Understand the tactics used in negotiation Avoid the common negotiation mistakes Become more effective in using and applying negotiation tactics Understand the key steps in planning for a negotiation
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Working with Teams - $395.00 (Item #PDDC-BULEWWT)
Today, there are few organisations that are not changing, in an effort to cope with the increased demands of competition. A common feature to emerge from much of this change is that employees are being encouraged to work as teams. These teams are often self-reliant and self-motivating.
Key Learning Objectives:
Identify and overcome the barriers to building effective teams Know how to effectively manage a team Learn how to be an effective team player Identify ways to turn work groups into effective teams Use teams to solve problems and develop creative solutions
Click Here to send in a credit card order - or call us at 1-253-759-6639
Business and Employee Training Workshops, time management workshops, conflict resolution workshops, conflict management workshops, team building workshops, workteam workshops, change management workshops, customer service workshops, sales training workshops. Bargain Self-Run Goal Setting Workshop and Seminar for Less than $400 Bargain Self-Run Building Better Business Relationships Workshop and Seminar for Less than $400 Bargain Self-Run Team Building Workshop and Seminar for Less than $400 Bargain Self-Run Customer Service Workshop and Seminar for Less than $400 Bargain Self-Run Managing Change Workshop and Seminar for Less than $400 Bargain Self-Run Time Management Workshop and Seminar for Less than $400 Bargain Self-Run Win Win Negotiation Workshop and Seminar for Less than $400